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How do I make my pet happy?
How do I get points on Smoogies?
What are Diamonds?
I want more SmoogieDollars NOW!
Is Smoogies free of charge?
How is my daily login bonus calculated?
There is stuff on the forums that is not for kids !
Taking care of your pet
How do I give my pet food and where can I find it?
My pet has poo all around him. How do I clean it up?
What if my pet dies?
I don't have any pets left and I don't have enough SD to get another one.
Will my pet die of old age?
I am going on holiday, who will take care of my pets now?
Pets general
Why is my egg button grey?
What are crossbreeds?
What are Favorites?
How many pets can I have?
How do my pets get baby pets?
When will my egg hatch?
How many babies can I have?
My egg button is not grey, but still I don't get a baby.
Can I sell my pet clothes or houses?
I bought the wrong food for my pet. Can I sell it?
Payd services
What are the advantages of PLUS?
What is PLUS and how do i get it?
I have paid for a product, but so far I did not get anything!
How do I invite a friend?
How do I change my profile?
How do I become a moderator?
How do I change my password?
How do I delete my account?
How can I see who is online?
How can I do Colored text, Images and Links?
I can't see some pets!!
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