13 Jan 2025
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School ProjectSmoogieVille, 26 Dec 2013 at 15:32 Hi, we heard that there is a schoolproject that has Smoogies as example how to earn dollars and save up dollars. We wish all the participants to the schoolproject lots of success! And you can always ask the moderators a question if there is anything that you want to know. | Reply | |
Christmas tree in toystoreSmoogieVille, 24 Dec 2013 at 11:11 The Chrtistmas tree is available in the toystore. Click on SmoogiesVille and then on toystore and choose the Christmas tree. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! | Replyfriends and mailSmoogieVille, 7 Nov 2013 at 10:33 To invite people to be friends that are already a member of Smoogies: You can click on SmoogiesNews, and click on search and type in the account name. Then click on the name of that person's account. Then you see the profile of that person. Or you can click on SmoogiesNews, and click on Onlilne residents and click on their name. Or on a forum topic: click on the account name of the person you want to invite a friend. You will see next to the space for a photo, an envelope and below that a symbol of two people.That is the symbol for friends. You can click on that and invite that person to be friends. You also see an enveloppe, that is the symbol for mail. you can click on it and send a mail to that person. | Reply | Wealthiest residentSmoogieVille Rita is the wealthiest resident at the moment with 11.498.664 SD. | More financialsNew: Easter eggSmoogieVille, 12 Apr 2011 at 09:56 A new toy is temporary available: Easter egg You can purchase this toy in the toy store. This is a temporary special item, and will not be generated as favorite item for a pet. Stuart | Reply |
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