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Regular Member
76 years (aaa231 's birthday is on 27 May)
Last seen online
16 Mar 2013 at 20:36
Member from
17 Jun 2008 at 22:07 (5813 days)
hi my name is sarah or well known as aaa231 i have blode hair and greenish eyes and i am not 61 im 12 and in grade 7! : i lovee oraungatangs and horses and want to be a vet when i grow up!!

Visit me and 88310's site all about pets! how to take care of them, games, polls and more! got to or Click HERE!

I am in the cheerleading team for my school C.C.P.S

i love camping me and my family normally camp for a week

i love skiiing its soo much fun!!

('')_('')put him on your page too so you can help him on his way to world domination

I AM OBSESSED WITH TWILIGHT!!!! i have read almost all the book and cannot wait untill the movie for new moon comes
out!! OMG

i am the rollar coster queen I LOVE rollar costers!!!!!!!
i 3 sisters on this site and they are sah12345, popfrog101,and SmileyPants**

[color=blue] i [colour=red] LOVE [color=blue] animals they are my favourite thing in the whole world and when i grow up i really really want to be a vet when i grow up!!

aww cute!!

I 3 Aeropostale 333

I 3 Jacob black from twilght!! he is soo HOT 3

Name- Sarah
Fav color- lime green and baby blue, torquise
Fav song- idk i have to many
Fav singer- idk have to many
Fav movie - up, ice age 3, harry potter, TWILIGHT
Fav actress- Dakota Fanning
Fav actor- taylor launter
Fav book- TWILIGHT, vampires assistent, andd a ton more
Fav author- Ronald dahl
Fav sport- chearleading, vollyball, soccer and idk i have alot

i have lots of friends but my best friends are elizabeth and maddie!
friends are like rainbows they eat rainbows and poop out butterflys!!!


1. Follow them around the house everywhere
2. Moo when they say your name
3. Run into walls
4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion
5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine
6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"
7. Wear a sticker that says, "I'm a ret*rd"
8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time
9. In public yell, "No Mom!, I will not snog you!!"
10. Do what they actually tell you
11. Jump off the roof, trying to fly
12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people
13. At everything they say yell, Liar
14. Try to swim in the floor
15. Tap on their door all night
16.Pretend to have amnesia
17.Say everything backwards
18.Give yourself a swirly
19.Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling, "the sun!!! it's dying!!!"
20.Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the your underwear
21.Have nervous spasms at spontaneous times
22.Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder
23.Run in circles
24.Recite a whole movie 3 times
25.Pretend to beat yourself up...
26.Slither everywhere...
27.Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist... tell them you're making a fashion statement...
28.Try and drink out of a glass the wrong way...
29.Super glue your finger up your nose...
30.Talk to a pen...
31.Lay face down and chant like an indian tribe...
32.Try and climb the wall...
33.Spread out on the window and buzz, pretending to be a fly...
34.Take your ice cream cone and put it one your forehead... say you're a lovely unicorn...
35.Put pegs on your nose and eyes...
36.Switch the light button on and off for a while. then say, "ooooh... I get it!!!"...
37.Eat your hair...
38.Whatever they are eating, tell them it looks like a certain animal...
39.Eat anything obviously not edible...
40.Say your pet is mocking you and chase it around the house...
41.When you shower or bathe yell, "i'm drowning!!!"...
42.Try to snorkel in your fish tank

[color=blue]cocacola went to town
pepsi cola knocked him down
dr pepper fixed him up
now were drinking sevenup
sevenup got the flu
now were drinking mountain dew
mountain dew jumped off a mountain
now were drinking from the fountain
the fountain broke
its no joke now were back to drinking coke[/color]

yess the pitsburg penguins beat the detroit red wings
and won the stanley cup!!

, here is a little bit about me:
Hobbies: swimming, dance, gymnastics and spending time with my friends!
Favorite colors: blue,green and black
Age? 12
Eye Color? green
Hair Color? blonde or dirty blonde
Favorites =]
Color? blue
Music? any
Holiday? christmas
Pick One =]
Pepsi or Coke? coke
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Talk About It or Fight? Fight
Friends or Family? both
Love or Money? love i guess
Random Stuff :]
Most Missed Memory? my bff moving
Get Along With Parents? ya
What size are your feet?: 3-4 ladies/kids
Are they ticklish?: You bet
Season: Summer, sping and winter
Do you have a best friend?: i have way to many to name
how many close friends do you have?: lotts
Dogs or cats?: Cats
Have you ever laughed so much milk came out of your nose?: no i dont think so?
Got gum caught in your hair?: Yes
Gone a day without eating?: no im a pig
Make a wine glass hum with your fingers?: idk lol
favourite store: areopostale, stiches and idk
favourite animal: oraungatang, cats and horses

!!!!!!!I am NOT selling any of my pets so do not ask!!!!!!
!!!!!!!I am also NOT buying anyones pets so dont even ask!!
