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Regular Member
23 years (AliciaRox303 's birthday is on 10 October)
Last seen online
24 Jul 2012 at 06:27
Member from
18 Sep 2011 at 07:55 (4604 days)
how r u all
i am great
if ur one of those people who dont like reading this isnt just any reading its cool stuff
i am 11 years old and my birthdays on the 10th of october
i live in a small city in newzealand
i was born in hamilton hospital and lived in cambridge(the waikato)for a year or 2 then moved away.
most my family live in cambridge but some in new plymouth,australia,and tauranga.
i have blondish bromwnis,mediam lenth hair and hazel eyes.
i am in year six
=) =) =)
The pics on my profile pics are my cat bubbles and my sisters cat elmo. Elmo is fatter
there is also zendaya and bella thorne AKA CECE AND ROCKY FROM SHAKE IT UP
p.s.addd meeee pppllzzz!!!!!
btw the pic on my profile are my cats bubbles and elmo a year or 2 ago

I went to a birthday party but I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink at all, so I had a sprite instead.
I felt proud of myself, the way you said I would,
That I didn't choose to drink and drive,
though some friends said I should.
I knew I made a healthy choice and your advice to me was right
As the party finally ended and the kids drove out of sight.
I got into my car, sure to get home in one piece,
Never knowing what was coming, something I expected least.
Now I'm lying on the pavement, I can hear the policeman say,
"The kid that caused this wreck was drunk."
His voice seems far away.
My own blood is all around me,as I try hard not to cry.
I can hear the paramedic say,"This girl is going to die."
I'm sure the guy had no idea,while he was flying high,
Because he chose to drink and drive that I would have to die.
So why do people do it, knowing that it ruins lives?
But now the pain is cutting me like a hundred stabbing knives.
Tell my sister not to be afraid, tell daddy to be brave,
And when I go to heaven to put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone should have taught him that its wrong to drink and drive.
Maybe if his mom and dad had I'd still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, I'm getting really scared.
These are my final moments, and I'm so unprepared.
I wish that you could hold me mom, as I lie here and die.

I wish that I could say I love you and good-bye.


Cna yuo raed
Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt
taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the
hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr
in waht oerdr the ltteres in a
wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the
frsit and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and
you can sitll
raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not

raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?
yaeh and I
awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs
rpoest ti!!!!!!!!!!

RE-POST ONLY IF YOU CAN READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A white man said, Colored people are not allowed here. The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir. When you are born you're PINK When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored? The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.


[1] I need to tell you a secret LOOK AT 5
[2] The answer is LOOK AT 11
[3] Don't get mad LOOK AT 15
[4] Calm down don't be mad LOOK AT 13
[5] First LOOK AT 2
[6] Don't be that angry LOOK AT 12
[7] I just Wanna say hi
[8] What I wanted to tell you is...THE ANSWER IS ON 14
[9] Be patient LOOK AT 4
[10] This is the last time I'm going to do this LOOK AT 7
[11] I hope you're not mad when I say this LOOK AT 6
[12] Sorry LOOK AT 8
[13] Don't be getting a hype LOOK AT 10
[14] I don't know how to say this LOOK AT 3
[15] You must be really mad LOOK AT NUMBER 9

1. Follow them around the house everywhere
2. Moo when they say your name
3. Run into walls
4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion
5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine
6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"
7. Wear a sticker that says, "I'm a ret*rd"
8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time
9. In public yell, "No Mom!, I will not snog you!!"
10. Do what they actually tell you
11. Jump off the roof, trying to fly
12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people
13. At everything they say yell, Liar
14. Try to swim in the floor
15. Tap on their door all night
16.Pretend to have amnesia
17.Say everything backwards
18.Give yourself a swirly
19.Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling, "the sun!!! it's dying!!!"
20.Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the your underwear
21.Have nervous spasms at spontaneous times
22.Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder
23.Run in circles
24.Recite a whole movie 3 times
25.Pretend to beat yourself up...
26.Slither everywhere...
27.Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist... tell them you're making a fashion statement...
28.Try and drink out of a glass the wrong way...
29.Super glue your finger up your nose...
30.Talk to a pen...
31.Lay face down and chant like an indian tribe...
32.Try and climb the wall...
33.Spread out on the window and buzz, pretending to be a fly...
34.Take your ice cream cone and put it one your forehead... say you're a lovely unicorn...
35.Put pegs on your nose and eyes...
36.Switch the light button on and off for a while. then say, "ooooh... I get it!!!"...
37.Eat your hair...
38.Whatever they are eating, tell them it looks like a certain animal...
39.Eat anything obviously not edible...
40.Say your pet is mocking you and chase it around the house...
41.When you shower or bathe yell, "i'm drowning!!!"...
42.Try to snorkel in your fish tank

frm brooke