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Regular Member
26 years (bigeyepie555 's birthday is on 17 January)
Last seen online
4 Apr 2008 at 16:14
Member from
17 Feb 2008 at 01:05 (5903 days)
Hi I'm Olivia but you'd be better off calling me Oli. My last name is unknown which means I do not want anyone to know it cause I need privacy! Lol! Anyway I'm a regualr gal but remeber don't ask where im from or what my last name is. I like glitter and Miley Cyrus and the jonas bros. Rock on! My family is really cool. My dad yoused to be an actor and work with Jerry Seinfeld and Eddy murphy. He has a lot of talent like comedy,guitar playing,writing,and singing. My mom was in the army for 23 years and is a little wild and crazy but in a really good way. She's just like my dad. THE BEST EVA! And I would say pets are a part of the family too right? My pets are Stardust and Fuzz(guinea pigs),Honey(my golden retreiver),I have four cats,Geico(my lizard),Cocoa(hamster)and I think that's it. Well still a lot!My friends are awesome! Silly, supportive,and very unique! They tell it like it is. We love to pull practical jokes and goof off. We understand eachother and try to be the best we can be!